Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

Get Your Breakthrough Online: How to Stop Hesitating and Finally Put Yourself Out There

Fear is what prevents people from creating content and putting themselves out there online. This fear can stem from a lack of experience or time, or even dissatisfaction your current life. But you can overcome these hesitations. You can build a strong personal brand by being radically authentic, prioritizing what excites you, and strengthening your ability to stop chasing an ideal. It is possible to achieve this precisely where you are right now. Nothing needs to change except your scope of what you believe is possible.

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Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

How to Build Confidence: Have the Audacity to Try

I called myself a Personal Brand Strategist before I had any clients. I vividly remember setting up my LinkedIn profile after making the decision to start my business. I typed the words 'Personal Brand Strategist' into the title field, hit save, and hoped for the best. I had never worked with any clients before, and I hardly had any money at the time, but I was determined to change my situation and work with as many clients as possible.

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Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

Why *Not* Trying to Go Viral is The Best Strategy for Building Your Brand

Many people, although reluctant to admit it, want to build their audience as quickly as possible when they first start building their personal brand. Some are upfront about their desire for fast growth, while others may say something like, "Getting followers isn't my main priority, but I want my efforts to count for something."

The number of followers a person has become a new form of social currency. Even so, I’ll be honest with you: getting followers for my clients and students is **not** a top priority for me. And I’ll tell you why in a second.

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Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

How to Film Yourself in Public

Have you ever tried filming yourself in public before? If you have, I’m sure you know how cringey it can feel at first 🤪 It can even feel scary! Here are some tricks I’ve shared with my students that might help you take action and get started today:

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Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

You Know What is Correct

Taylor is a coach and content creator, so naturally, we had a lot to talk about. And over the last few months, he’s gained over 150k+ followers on Instagram and TikTok. I asked him if he had a strategy. His answer might surprise you, but it was just as I suspected.

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Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

“What if I don’t know what my story is?”

You can be many things, do many things, share many things, and all of these things fit under your personal brand, because your personal brand is you. But if you really want to build a real platform, community, and brand that’s recognizable, lead with one.

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Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

"Who cares?" Why it's the wrong question and what to ask instead.

I got an interesting email from a client the other day. It said, “Reworked personal brand story. It's too long and I keep asking myself "who cares?" as I read it.” My heart sank. I know this question. It’s the mother-load of all questions. The ‘WHO CARES’ question has plagued me, plagued my clients, plagued my students in Personal Brand Accelerator.​ It’s the question I've asked to justify my own content. And it’s the wrong question. Here’s why.

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Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

Working on Something New

This weekend has been a good reminder of how important it is to have people in our lives who are willing to go there with us. Who really listen, ask the tough questions, and give us the feedback we need in order to bring something valuable to life. Who is that person for you?

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Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

Another PBA Graduation in the Books

If you also want to build an authentic personal brand, tell your story, create content, then consider joining the waitlist for Round 9 starting on August, 31, 2023. It’s going to be the best round yet, as we are meticulously improving the experience for future students--you!

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Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

On Coming Home from Martha's Vineyard and Leaving the 'Shoulds' Behind Us

After working with hundreds of people on their personal brand, here's what I know for certain: Personal branding looks different in different seasons of our lives. Sometimes, it looks like experimenting with daily content to find what works best (in the beginning, this is really important)! And other times, it means choosing to double down on one thing so you can bring it to fruition.

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Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

How to Make Your "Talking Head" Videos More Interesting

After you start creating content, your experience on social media will never be the same. You will pay attention to every opening line, the music used, the camera angles, what catches people's interest and what doesn't. A big part of personal branding is showing your face online. People love to see the person behind the name, the writing, and the videos. We want to know who we’re following. The best way to show people who you are, is to tell them. So let’s review one of the best methods for doing so.

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Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

I Saw It: I Saw the Whole Thing

I was in the Boston Common when I saw her fall. I could've left two minutes earlier, and I would've missed it. But I didn't. I saw the whole thing.

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