Why *Not* Trying to Go Viral is The Best Strategy for Building Your Brand

Many people, although reluctant to admit it, want to build their audience as quickly as possible when they first start building their personal brand. Some are upfront about their desire for fast growth, while others may say something like, "Getting followers isn't my main priority, but I want my efforts to count for something."

The number of followers a person has become a new form of social currency. Even so, I’ll be honest with you: getting followers for my clients and students is not a top priority for me. And I’ll tell you why in a second.

My first viral TikTok video was about my solo road trip across the country and the loneliness I felt along the way.

I didn't intend for so many people to see it. Frankly, I had no idea what I was doing. Making that video was like catching a pop fly with your eyes closed - sticking your mitt in the air, squeezing your eyes shut, and hoping for the best. And then suddenly the baseball smashes into your hand and the umpire is yelling, "OUT!" The excitement! Satisfaction! And sheer amazement you feel is overwhelming. It’s that feeling of, "I did it.”

Since creating that video, dozens of my other videos have gone viral as well. What they all have in common: I wasn't trying to make them go viral. I know that immediately some of you may be thinking, "Well, how is this advice supposed to help me?" But just relax for a second and let me finish my thought before you jump to conclusions on what I’m suggesting.

The best part of making those videos videos, for me, was the "zero fucks given" mentality I had while creating them.

I didn't concern myself with what others might think because the content in those videos was just as real and true to me as the sky is blue or my hair is red. There was no doubt. So that if anyone criticized or argued with me about what I was saying, their statements wouldn't diminish the integrity of my word. How could they? It was my truth.

I'm not suggesting that going viral is only achieved through happenstance and luck. While some creators do strategically plan for virality and can make it work (at least half the time), authenticity can't always be planned in the same way. People have a sixth sense for when content feels forced and overly planned. With so much content available, your audience craves something fresh, original, and most importantly, real. So if your strategy is to make videos go viral, then consider switching your strategy to making videos that are real.

And for the record: there’s anything wrong with wanting to build your following.

Having a strong personal brand and loyal community of followers is a worthwhile goal that leads to a plethora of abundance and opportunity. You are SO deserving of this! The trick is, not to treat “gaining a following” as the main goal. The main goal should always be the purpose behind why you want to gain followers. What’s your purpose for building your personal brand? Trust your answer and meditate on it before you put anything new into the world.

People love to follow people who are sure of themselves, know who they are, and have a worthwhile mission we agree with, and would like to support. So stop thinking about what others want to see, and start creating what you want to share. By focusing too much on making content for others, you have less energy to create what you truly believe in and want to share.


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