How to Be “Authentic” on Social Media — And What Does is it Actually Mean, Anyway?

Being authentic often involves sharing your true thoughts, feelings, and experiences, which can be scary and vulnerable. But authenticity is not about being brutally honest. You don’t have to spill your deepest, darkest secrets in order to be “authentic” on social media. Authenticity is more about revealing your true self in the moment.

Think about it… When you are fully present, immersed in your experiences, you aren’t thinking about yourself, how you sound, or what’s for dinner… You’re in the moment.

We are attracted to real. Human beings have a knack for sensing when someone is in the moment and being themselves. Even if we don’t agree with them, we may still find their content compelling.

This is because we feel like we are getting a glimpse into their real life and personality, which can be refreshing in a world where so much content is carefully curated and polished.

So how to be authentic: It’s easier to be authentic when we feel safe. Every time you create content, remind yourself, “I am safe.” Use mantras like, “I am okay.” And repeat them until they are easier to believe.

Here are some tips on how to be authentic on social media:

  1. Document real moments: Record yourself when you are excited. Write when you have something to say. Make a video when the moment presents itself. Don't sit on your ideas, initiate them.

  2. Know your values: It's important to know what you stand for and what your values are. This will help guide you in creating content that is true to yourself and resonates with your audience.

  3. Be honest: Honesty is key to being authentic. Be transparent about your experiences and opinions, and don't be afraid to share your vulnerabilities.

  4. Use your own voice: Use your own unique voice and style when creating content. Don't try to mimic someone else's style or tone.

  5. Share your interests: Share your interests and hobbies with your audience. This will help them get to know you better and create a more personal connection.

  6. Engage with your audience: Engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages. This will help build trust and establish a community around your content.

The hard truth: Being authentic makes us vulnerable. There's always the possibility of being criticized or rejected. The good news is that feedback forces us to look inward and face the parts of ourselves that may be weaker or underdeveloped.

Also when we show our vulnerabilities, we create space for others to do the same, which can lead to deeper relationships and more meaningful interactions on social media.

This is a noble pursuit. So stay open and curious to feedback without writing people off as, "haters." Develop the emotional strength to receive feedback and consider a different point of view.

Remember, being authentic on social media is about being true to yourself and sharing your unique perspective with the world. It's just about manifesting who you are in the present moment. Do you struggle to show up authentically on social media? Does the process of creating content make you feel self-conscious?

By following these tips, you can create content that is genuine and resonates with your audience. And joining a program like Personal Brand Accelerator can help you develop the skills you need to create authentic content and build your personal brand.


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