Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

What (Not) to Do When You Lose Followers

I once lost a thousand followers in one month. Crazy, right? My reaction resembled something akin to rejection. Except it was deeper than that. It was the pain of being rejected publicly in front of others. I could recall one other time that felt similar.

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Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

Why Knowing Your Target Audience Doesn’t Really Matter

Have you ever met someone who tries too hard to impress you? It's almost as if their every word and action is a plea for attention, but the more they try, the more you want to pull away. Their facade leads you to question their sincerity. Perhaps, as you read this, you might be worried you’re that person! The truth is, we've all been both the giver and receiver in such dynamics. And while I’m not going to get into the psychology of these behaviors, let's explore how this dynamic could impact you negatively in the context of building your personal brand.

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Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

What Hyper Criticism Will Cost You in the End

I left halfway through her performance. The show had become unbearable for me. My roommate, Crystal, and I had gotten tickets to see Serena Kerrigan, the "Queen of Confidence” in Boston on a Friday night a couple of years ago. As she took the stage in her black power suit and stiletto pumps, the audience responded with cheers. I didn’t know what to expect, but her opening monologue revealed a hinted nervousness, and made me squirm in my seat a little.

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Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

You Don't Need an Aesthetic Home to Create High Quality Content

There’s nothing wrong with making beautiful, aspirational videos. I love creating that kind of content, and I love to consume it as well. But that kind of content only shows one facet of your life. An authentic personal brand goes deeper. An authentic personal brand says…

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Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

How to Make Your "Talking Head" Videos More Interesting

After you start creating content, your experience on social media will never be the same. You will pay attention to every opening line, the music used, the camera angles, what catches people's interest and what doesn't. A big part of personal branding is showing your face online. People love to see the person behind the name, the writing, and the videos. We want to know who we’re following. The best way to show people who you are, is to tell them. So let’s review one of the best methods for doing so.

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Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

What if Being Authentic on Social Media Creates Conflict?

When you are authentic online, you may receive feedback on your beliefs and opinions. It may not be true for you, but remember, it is always true for the person who is sharing it with you. And in that regard, it might be important for you to consider.

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Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

We Love To See A Journey Unfold: Here's How To Share Yours

I had only one goal this year...

to finish writing my book.

The idea for my book came to me in the middle of the night. I was staying at a hostel in Portland, Maine ​(more on that story here)​, woke up the next morning and started writing, feverishly. Conviction pulsing through my fingertips. The storyline was there, all I had to do was type.

But then, life got busy. I had recently moved to Boston, and my focus had shifted to settling into my new home, making new friends, and working on my business.

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Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

Your results don’t speak for themselves.

Do you want others to notice your accomplishments without having to talk about them? Maybe you avoid creating content so others won't think you're trying to show off. If you want to build your personal brand, but don't want to appear self-serving, this bulletin is for you. Today, I'm going to show you how you can create content with tact and intention.

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Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

How to Write an End-Of-Year Post that People Want to Read

Soon, our news feeds will be flooded with end-of-year posts. People will be showcasing their achievements, you’ll come across plenty of photos and videos, and perhaps even listen to some podcasts that summarize the year. Maybe you’ve seen some of these posts in the past and felt inclined to share your own thoughts as well. If that’s you, make this your year to start! There’s never been a better time.

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Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

“What will they think if I post this?”

In this issue, we'll discuss the power of self-approval and how to get over the fear of what people will think of you. Plus, why you already have what you're looking for 👀

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Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

The Complete Guide to Building Your Personal Brand

The Complete Guide to build your personal brand with confidence! Discover the exact steps to uncover your Personal Brand Story, create your visual identity, plan your Personal Brand Photoshoot, optimize your social media profiles, and post with confidence online. Share your story with confidence and attract more opportunities with this comprehensive guide.

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Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

How to Write Your Personal Brand Story

If you want to clarify your message, writing your Personal Brand Story is the first step. Sharing your Personal Brand Story takes bravery and vulnerability, but it's the best way to actualize your work and build a strong personal brand with a core message that people remember.

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Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

The Importance of “Niching” Down and Why it Doesn’t Have to Limit You

When deciding on your niche, you can either choose to focus on a specific area in your content or become your niche by incorporating all aspects of your life into your marketing strategy. Regardless of your choice, consistency in content and maintaining a clear direction are key to avoiding confusion for your audience.

You don’t have to feel limited, here’s how.

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Anna Vatuone Anna Vatuone

The Truth about Great Writing: Why Showing Up as Yourself Matters

Good writing takes you where you want to go. To build your personal brand, a good rule to follow is, “Share what you know online, over and over again.” This practice attracts an audience, the people who will later become your followers, clients, and customers. The more content you share, the more you establish yourself as an expert, and give people a window into who you are and what’s important to you. By doing so, you can build a loyal community of people who not only appreciate your insights but also feel connected to you on a personal level. This is the prize to be won!

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