How to Refuel When You're Feeling Emotionally Drained from Social Media


I know the look all too well. The feeling of overwhelmingness written all over my students’ faces when they tell me their frustrations with social media. I empathize with them. It is exhausting to build one’s personal brand; it takes an enormous amount of effort and tact and you must have the ability to be vulnerable and cunning online. Creating valuable content regularly will push you beyond what you are comfortable with. It is hard. And hard things require that we take breaks. 

So how does one take an intentional break from social media while still remaining aligned with the goals they have for their personal brand? Take it from someone who knows.

The first step is admitting you need a break.

How do you feel in your body while you’re on social media? What sensations do you feel? What emotions arise in you when you consume different types of content online? Take note of these thoughts. Write down what you’re feeling and label the emotions that come up for you. After you’ve done this, look at the data. Use your language as a clue to help you decide what course of action you should take next. 

If you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed because you’re using social media too much, this is a sign that you need to listen to your body. Your mental health will always be more important than your personal brand. The best thing you can do is to accept that you need a break without trying to resist it. You don’t need to justify yourself.

Many of my students in Personal Brand Accelerator assume they have to make a post about why they’re taking time off. Rest assured, this is not necessary! You are under no obligation to justify your actions to anyone on the internet. The reason why you need to take a break is no one else's business except your own. However, if you’d like to share with your audience why you’re taking time off, that’s okay, too. Do what feels right for you.

Come up with an action plan.

Rest is what any great athlete, artist, or entrepreneur needs to do so they can perform at their best. It’s wise to believe that taking a break is actually part of achieving your personal branding goals. However, let yourself make this an intentional break.

I recommend allotting a specific amount of time for your break. Estimate how long you will need in order to feel refueled and ready to utilize social media again. That can be one week, one day, or even three days.

Identify what your break will look like. How do you want to spend your break in a way that is still aligned with your personal branding goals? For example: I will spend time writing (without posting my work), or I’ll take photos (without posting them on Instagram), or I’ll create videos (without posting them on TikTok) as a way for me to stay creative while not using social media apps. Your break may look different: perhaps you want to meditate, practice yoga, or spend time in nature. Ask yourself: how can I spend this break intentionally in such a way that propels me forward and doesn’t set me back? Only you can decide what is right for you.

Be present in your experiences.

Whether you are taking time off social media or not, your ability to be present is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself and your personal brand. Presence is what allows us to be touched and transformed by what we see and experience. When we fully participate in the moment, we can taste and experience the richness of our lives. These impressions make a lasting impact on who we are and how we see the world. Presence is what enhances our ability to be creative and make a lasting impact on those we interact with.

During your social media break, I encourage you to become aware of the moments in which you are not present. What’s on your mind? Are you experiencing a deep inner restlessness? Can you let go of the resistance and drop fully into the present moment? Let yourself be affected by the beauty of nature. Have enriching conversations with people you love. Be simple, open, and available to everything that surrounds you.

Come back to social media with an open heart.

Social media is a powerful tool that brings us closer together and has the ability to affect positive changes in peoples’ hearts. It relieves social isolation and offers much needed support. It makes us more informed and it allows people to practice healthy self-expression.

The problem isn’t social media but our relationship with it. Do you want to know the great news about this? You get to decide what your relationship with social media looks like. You get to decide how long you want to use Instagram for every day. You get to decide the people you follow. You get to decide what you consume and what you create. Take comfort in the fact that your relationship with social media can be whatever you want it to be. 

  1. Practice moderation.

  2. Practice mindfulness.

  3. Remember that you are always in control.

How do you want to spread love and light online? You have a responsibility to share your truth in a way that lifts others up. The more positivity you spread on social media, the more you will receive. Position yourself like a magnet and you will attract the goodness you create.

Do you want to discover who you are and build your personal brand? Discover your purpose, clarify your message, and communicate with confidence, (without having to suffer from imposter syndrome). Join the waitlist for Personal Brand Accelerator


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