Eight Ways to be More Productive When You Work From Home


How to be more productive when you work from home.

I remember the first time I told someone, “I’m actually working from home today.” 
I loved the way it sounded.

No longer was I held captive by my day job--I was a real-life freelancer, self-employed, ready to take on the world and all of its wonders.

What most of you already know about freelancing or entrepreneurship is that it doesn’t come with the built-in securities of working a 9-5.

There are no rules to this thing. You can work from the couch, bed, pool, patio, you name it--I’ve probably set up shop there.

The flexibility of working from anywhere in the world is often one of the reasons people are drawn to working for themselves. However, I’ve seen many freelancers and entrepreneurs struggle with these newfound freedoms.

Working from home presents many challenges. There is often very little work-life balance when you sleep and work in the same place. Even now, after working from home for the last two years, I can’t say that my life as an entrepreneur feels very “balanced”. That’s not the nature of this job. I’ve learned to integrate self-care and simple pleasures as time allows for them.

Working from home also means there’s a possibility that you’ll face many distractions. Whether that’s your children, the laundry, the dog--there are far more reasons to get up from your desk when you work from home.

And most importantly, (seriously this is the most important), you have HAVE to be self-motivated. Many people need the energy and motivation from working with a team in order to accomplish tasks and be producing during the day. When you work from home, it’s up to you to self-motivate and get shit done.

After working from home these last few years, I’ve finally found what works best for me. These tips are tried and true: I hope they help you as they’ve helped me.

1. Create a beautiful working space.

It’s really important that you feel inspired and revitalized by your working conditions. Create a permanent working space in your home that feels beautiful to you. This may mean purchasing a house plant, creating a vision board, or splurging on a new chair for your desk. Whatever you have to do to make this space feel comforting and inviting.

2. Establish a consistent routine.

I feel the most productive when I follow a consistent routine that works for the current season of my life. Waking up, exercising, or delegating tasks at a specific time every day have helped me be more productive in my business. For example, I may choose to write content during in a fixed time-frame of each day. This helps me feel more aligned as my mind can anticipate what’s coming next.

3.Find your zone of genius.

Speaking of content creation… I’ve found that I write my best work first thing in the morning. I set my alarm at 5AM, and sit down at my desk by 6AM so that I can spend the first few hours of the day writing exactly what’s on my mind. This is when I am the freshest and ready to create something worth value. It’s important to identify when your zone of genius is for you. Perhaps it’s in the afternoon, or even in the evening after your children have gone to bed.

4. Use the 50-20-50 rule.

The rule goes like this: work in 50-minute increments that are laser-focused. This means that you only focus on a specific task for 50 minutes with zero distractions. Put your phone on airplane mode and don’t complete any other tasks until that 50-minute timer has gone off. If you happen to think of something during this 50-minute time period, don’t attend to it. Instead, keep a pen and a piece of paper handy and write it down. Once the timer has gone off, you can take a 20-minute break to check your phone, use the bathroom, and walk around. You can practice this method for as many times as you need to. However, I try to keep it at a minimum of 3x per day because it honestly takes so much willpower to complete effectively.

5. Take walks regularly.

You’ve just followed the 50-20-50 rule and now it’s time to take your twenty-minute break. Go ahead and take a walk! Get outside and feel the fresh air on your face. This helps your mind reset. Do these regularly, and let it be a time that inspires and motivates you to continue working towards your goals.

6. Exercise boosts creativity.

I believe that exercise boosts creativity. And truth be told, this is one of those rules that I do a poor job at following. However, when I do follow my own advice, I am always happy and surprised with how much regular exercise improves my quality of life and productivity in my business. We need to move! Exercise is so important for our physical and mental health. Watch the way it positively impacts your business, because it will!

7. Use video chat in your business.

Sometimes working from home can feel lonely. Although you gain so much flexibility and freedom in your schedule, you’re also forfeiting the joys of working with a team by your side. A good way to combat any feelings of loneliness is by incorporating video chat into your business. It’s a good way to remain connected to the outside world. It allows you to meet new people and showcase your unique personality.

8. Lean into the “WFH” lifestyle: after all, you’ve earned it.

If anything, lean into this working from home lifestyle. It’s a privilege! Pick up your dry cleaning at 10AM, go to a yoga class at noon, and have a coffee date in the middle of the day. There are no rules to this thing. Do what works best for you. Have a routine, but don’t be afraid to go with the flow. 

Do you have any tips for working better at home? Share with me in the comments below.


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