Your results don’t speak for themselves.


Do you want others to notice your accomplishments without having to talk about them?

Maybe you avoid creating content so others won't think you're trying to show off.

If you want to build your personal brand, but don't want to appear self-serving, this bulletin is for you. Today, I'm going to show you how you can create content with tact and intention.

This Bulletin is sponsored by Personal Brand Accelerator, my 3-month program that will help you build your personal brand and post with confidence on social media. Enrollment is OPEN! Apply for a spot in PBA today.

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And if you missed last week’s bulletin: "How to Write an End-Of-Year Post that People Want to Read," you can read it here.

Let’s dive in ↓

There’s a culture on TikTok that I really love. People genuinely root for each other's success. I've also noticed that Gen Z is notorious for sharing who they are unapologetically online.

For example, when an influencer creates sponsored content, you'll find a multitude of comments on the video saying, "Get the bag queen."

If a creator confidently states, "I look good today," there will be several individuals in the comments affirming, "Damn straight you do."

Ultimately, what I've seen is that people who openly affirm themselves on social media are affirmed and praised in return.

But this hasn't always been the case. Obviously, if you're not part of Gen Z, this might not come naturally to you. I know it certainly doesn't for me. Most of us tend to avoid self-promotion to avoid being perceived as conceited or self-absorbed.

The common thought is, "I'm going to put my head down, work in silence, and eventually, people will notice me. My results will speak for themselves."

In theory, this seems like the more noble approach. However, in reality, this rarely, if ever, happens. And it rarely happens at scale (and scale is what we need to create impact).

I see this expressed by people who are in the later stages of their careers. They've told me, "I've spent my whole career working for someone else, dedicating my time to their company, now I have nothing to show for it. If I had started building my personal brand years ago, maybe things would be different now.”

Let this be a reminder that no one is coming to notice you.

YOU have to be your own advocate and tell people who you are, what you know, and what you stand for. No one is going to take on this responsibility for you. It is up to you to take action and make it happen.

Personal Branding Tip

Tell your story.

Story is a powerful way to show your value without stating it. It is, actually, one way of letting your results speak for themselves.

For example, instead of saying:

“I’m happy to share that this year my business has sold over 10,000 products and surpassed our revenue goals! We can’t wait to keep serving you in the new year.”

This comment isn’t bad by any means, but if you want to go deeper, and give your audience more value and substance, tell us the story of how you got there.

You could say,

“I did it. Over 6 months ago, I resigned from my stable, corporate job and dove into the deep end of entrepreneurship without a life jacket. At first, I had no idea what I was doing. I constantly questioned if I had made the right decision and was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to keep up or pay my bills.

But I persisted.

And you know what? I did it! Today, I’m incredibly proud to share that my business has not only sold over 10,000 products this year but has also generated enough revenue to support my family and me. This journey has taught me resilience, determination, and the power of taking risks.

I can confidently say that I am finding my way. 😄 I am excited to see what the next year brings for all entrepreneurs!”

It is so much easier to root for someone who tells us their story. When people don’t know your story, they will fill in the gaps themselves based on their own lived experience and assumptions. The problem is, these assumptions might be very different from reality. So, you have to do the work to inform people and tell them the truth. This can be done through sharing your story.

Personal Question

What story can you share that demonstrates how you got to where you are today?

When you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you build your Personal Brand:

Storytelling 101: A mini course to help you create cinematic videos for Instagram and TikTok. Learn which apps to use, how to film yourself in public, and how to create beautiful content in less time.

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Personal Brand Accelerator: A 3-month program to help you build your personal brand. Open for enrollment!

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Full Service Personal Brand Development: Work directly with my team and I to build your personal brand. Walk away with a stunning personal website, brand photos, social media strategy, and a powerful, consistent brand message that accurately conveys who you are and what you do. Now booking for Winter 2024.

Apply to Work Together


We Love To See A Journey Unfold: Here's How To Share Yours


How to Write an End-Of-Year Post that People Want to Read