Personal Branding Anna Vatuone Personal Branding Anna Vatuone

4 Ways to Know if You're Ready to Build a Personal Brand

You might have an idea of what it means to have a personal brand, but what does it mean, really? Simply put: a personal brand is you, online. A personal brand is every touchpoint of communication that people have with you; i.e., your website, Instagram profile, TikTok videos, emails, and LinkedIn posts, etc. Having a personal brand means that you are intentional about what you choose to share online. It is essential that you do not look at your personal brand as a separate entity. Your personal brand should be an honest reflection of who you truly are. A personal brand cannot be created as a construct to hide behind. A personal brand is not about creating one's “perfect” identity. Rather, it is the process of revealing your true self to the world. So how does one know if they’re truly ready to start building their brand? How can you be sure if this is the best use of your time and resources? Well, I’ll tell you, it starts with these 4 things.

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Personal Branding, Social Media Anna Vatuone Personal Branding, Social Media Anna Vatuone

4 Things to Remember Before Creating Content for Your Personal Brand

Your personal brand is the key to getting paid for who you are and not just what you do. But there’s a catch. You have to create content for social media to reap the benefits that a personal brand can give you; benefits like a flexible schedule, working with highly-compatible clients and doing work that makes you feel fulfilled. There are many words of advice you will find on the internet when searching for things like, “Best tips to create content.” You might look for inspiration online to help you create better content, but it’s important to remember that the best ways to improve your content aren’t always found there. Your content will improve when you start looking inward for answers and inspiration.

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Personal Branding, Social Media Anna Vatuone Personal Branding, Social Media Anna Vatuone

How to Abandon Perfectionism and Share More on Social Media 

Here’s a tip I try and remember: let go of the idea that content needs to be perfect for it to be shared. No piece of content will ever be perfect. A post can always be better before it is shared. The truth is, there are simply are not enough hours in the day to agonize over every detail. So how does one abandon perfectionism and share more content on social media?

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