My Guide to Writing Morning Pages

On Instagram Stories last week, I asked if anyone had questions about Morning Pages, to which many of you responded with fabulous questions that I will answer here in this blog post. After you read this, you will know everything you need to know about morning pages (at least from my POV :) and have the necessary information to decide how and if you’d like to try them for yourself.

I’d also like to add that I’ve been writing my morning pages for over a year now and it’s, without a shadow of a doubt, become one of my favorite daily rituals. Writing each morning has drastically improved my mental health and made me a more self-aware human being. Most notably, I have had so many “ah-ha” moments and epiphanies I never would have reached without this practice. 

Q: So, what are morning pages?

First, let me clarify that I did not create morning pages. Morning Pages is a practice that was created by Julia Cameron and was introduced in her book, The Artist’s Way.

This is Julia’s description of Morning Pages (that be found right on her website):

“Morning Pages are three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing, done first thing in the morning. There is no wrong way to do Morning Pages— they are not high art. They are not even “writing.” They are about anything and everything that crosses your mind— and they are for your eyes only. Morning Pages provoke, clarify, comfort, cajole, prioritize and synchronize the day at hand. Do not over-think Morning Pages: just put three pages of anything on the page… and then do three more pages tomorrow.”

Q: How do you know where to start? I feel like I am doing it wrong.

Just like Julia says, there is no wrong way to do Morning Pages. Take comfort in knowing that you quite literally cannot make a mistake when you write each morning. Sometimes, I start with a basic sentence that validates the experience I am presently having. For example, here’s a two-sentence excerpt from the pages I wrote this morning (12/26/21):

“Good morning, it’s the day after Christmas and what can I say? I had a really nice day yesterday.”

I find it’s best to start with anything that feels reachable for you. Perhaps, you could talk about what the weather looks like, what you ate for breakfast, or what you are feeling in your body. And I find it’s best not to think too much, just write what pops in your head first, no matter how ‘weird’ it might sound.

What’s the difference between morning pages and journaling?

This is a good question! I don’t think there is a big difference between Morning Pages and journaling except for how Morning Pages are branded :) There are also more perimeters around Morning Pages: I.e., they are meant to be written in the morning, you’re supposed to write a total of three pages (by hand), and they are supposed to be a stream of consciousness.

But here’s the thing, you can call them whatever you want. And you can do them however you want! Whether it be morning pages or evening pages, or afternoon pages… whatever! My goal has merely been just to write. The Morning Pages were a life-changing concept for me because it was the first time I was given permission to be myself on the page. I didn’t have to sound profound or eloquent, I didn’t have to edit or refine, my writing was allowed to be just as it is, which meant I was allowed just to be just as I am.

Do you keep them for personal use or do you plan to share them publicly?

I keep them for personal use. However, I will say I’ve found the inspiration for many of my blog posts, newsletters, and voice-over scripts through this practice. I would even go so far as to say that my videos that went viral on TikTok this year were because of my morning pages. 

Typically, I can find 2-4 good sentences buried within the page that I can scrounge up and turn into something beautiful for TikTok or Instagram or what have you. And sometimes, there’s nothing I feel compelled to share. And that’s okay, too. It’s still clearing space for more creativity and better writing as I move through the rest of my day.

How do you structure it? (Stream of consciousness or like an essay?)

It’s definitely a stream of consciousness. There is no way I would write them every morning if I had to write an essay, haha. The barrier to entry is so low here. It’s so easy to write whatever is on your mind sans the rules we were taught in school.

What do you write about? What topics/areas do you cover? 

I mostly write about the things I’m struggling with. Writing helps me process my emotions. It helps me make sense of what I’m experiencing. I work through a lot of my problems on the page. And I’ve solved a lot of my problems on the page, too. I also use it as a place to express gratitude.

Do you think there’s an advantage to typing them?

Julia Cameron explicitly says you should write them long-hand because writing with a pen and paper takes time, and allows you to process what you’re expressing. It leaves you no time to edit what you write.

I totally get why she says to do this, but I type mine regardless. Writing long-hand is very tedious and time-consuming for me, and if I had to do this every morning I probably wouldn’t do it (which would be a shame). So I’ve found a way that works for me, and I’m okay with breaking the rules so I can benefit from the practice.

I should also add that I think this is SO key (not only with morning pages but with any habit we want to create). —> Keep the barrier to entry LOW and be realistic with what you can feasibly do. Adopt the right habits that work for you, and don’t be afraid to break the rules or color outside the lines so it works with your lifestyle and personality type.

Are you supposed to write for a certain amount of time or length?

Cameron suggests writing for three pages every morning. I write until I am ready to stop. Sometimes that’s three pages, sometimes it’s more, and sometimes it’s less. It also depends on what else I have on my plate that morning. I just do my best. And my best varies from day to day.

What do you write them on? Do you use Google Docs or Word?

I write my pages in @evernote because I tag and categorize them by life experience. For example, I use tags like #sober #bodyimage #lonliness…. I like having the ability to reference old entries because I’m currently writing a Memoir and this helps jog my memory. But you can write yours anywhere that feels the most comfortable for you!

Do you find it valuable to re-read old entries?

I do, as long as I do it with intention. It’s easy to get sucked into old entries. Then before I know it I’ve wasted an hour reading my old life, haha. I think it’s very rewarding to go back in time and see what I was struggling with, then feel proud to see how much I’ve grown and what I’ve accomplished. On the flip side, it’s sobering to see what I’ve been struggling with for months, even years of my life. This is where self-awareness comes in. It makes you want to change. Once you’ve seen how much time you’ve wasted stuck on the same things.

Do you set a time limit?

I do not. But I try to push myself to go as far as I can go for the day. My best work has come on the other side of resistance.

What are the long-term benefits of writing morning pages?

Here are some of my favorite quotes from Julia Cameron on the benefits of writing Morning Pages:

When people ask, ‘Why do we write morning pages?’ I joke, ’To get to the other side.’ They think I am kidding, but I’m not. Morning pages do get us to the other side: the other side of our fear, our negativity, of our moods.”

“The pages are a pathway to a strong and clear sense of self.”

“Pages clarify our yearnings. They keep an eye on our goals…. If we are drifting, the pages will point that out. They will point us in the way True North. Each morning, as we face the page, we meet ourselves.”

“Morning pages are about tuning out our inner critic. We learn to hear our censor’s comments and say, simply, ‘Thank you for sharing,’ while we go right on writing. We are training our censor to stand aside and let us create.”

And if you want to hear my perspective on morning pages… I can tell you they’ve changed my life. I can’t imagine my life without them now. Because of my morning pages, I make better decisions. I am more principled and self-assured. I am more honest, and compassionate towards myself and others. And first and foremost, I am self-aware. I know myself deeply and intimately. And that kind of relationship is worth its weight in time and gold. 

But don’t take it from me, start writing and see for yourself :) 


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